Report Updated 07/22/05
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Updated 07/22/05 Lake Elevation at Normal Pool: 1421.60 Temperature: Inflow: 155 cfs Outflow: 989 cfs Level: 2.04 feet high Report By: Fred's Bait Shop Minimum Length on Walleye is 21" and a 2-day creel limit. Minimum length on Wiper and Stripers is 21" and a 2-day aggregate creel limit Minimum length on Crappie is 10" No Report Updated 07/16/05 Lake Elevation at Normal Pool: 1274.0 Temperature:Inflow: 150 cfs Outflow: 116 cfs Level: 0.68 feet high There is a new 20 per day Crappie creel limit and is effective January 1, 2005 Report by: Clint's Bait and Tackle Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't put up a report for a couple weeks but the fishing hasn't been good because of the water being let out of the res and all the catfish and such getting ready to spawn. But in the last few days we have had good reports of the fishing starting to pick up again. So here we are and we will try to let you know all we have been told about what is going on. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Crappie--they are picking up some good crappie at the city lake and at the res. You have to work for them some but they are there to be caught. In fact we have seen a few 14 to 16 inch fish and they sure look good. Most have been caught using minnows around brush and the rocks.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Walleye--most of the walleye that are being caught now are by people drifting the flats. But at the city lake some have been caught around the tower. Minnows and crawlers have been the best to lure this fish to your hook. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bass----from all the reports we have got, the bass are doing pretty good at the lakes. We have had several bass fisher-people in from many places and they say they are doing good here. Crawlers and some lures are working great to get these bad boys. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Catfish--the way it looks most of the catfish are about done with the spawn now. They are starting to feed again and they are on the thin side as you would imagine. The ones that have been caught show the signs of just getting done. Same goes for the flat heads right now. The numbers being caught are getting better everyday. So far crawlers livers, minnows, shad guts & sides are working great for the channels. The flats are hitting good on perch, koi, and goldfish.
Updated 07/22/05 Inflow: 15 cfs Outflow: 13 cfs Level: 0.21 feet high WARNING Zebra Mussel were verified on August 26, 2003 so beware. A 35-inch minimum length limit on BLUE CATFISH became effective on January 1, 2005 A 18-inch minimum length limit on WALLEYE A 18-inch minimum length limit on WIPERS Black Bass No ReportChannel Catfish fair using shad in the creeksWhite Crappie good using minnows or jigs in the weeds Walleye good using jigs and crankbaitsWipers fair to good White Bass good using crankbaits and jigs in the creeks and along the damUpdated 07/16/05 Lake Elevation at Normal Pool: 1350.50 Temperature: Inflow: 5 cfs Outflow: 15 cfs Level: 0.01 feet low Report by CANADA BAIT 'N' TACKLE Braggin' Board Finally after the lake being overly full from all the rains and then from the release of water from the spilling basin; Marion Reservoir is getting back to normal Catfish are hitting on night crawlers, leeches and dip or stink baits. A lot of nice flat heads were brought in most of them were caught on night crawler some one perch or other larger size live bait. Wipers and white bass No Report Walleye No Report Channel catfish No Report Updated 07/22/05 Temperature: Channel Catfish fair using shad side or guts at the upper end of the lake (Length limit is 15 inches and creel limit is 2/day) Largemouth Bass good in 1 to 5 feet of water using spinner and crank baitsBlack Crappie fair using minnows and jigsBluegill fair using small baits along the rocky shoreline Redear/Sunfish fair using pieces of worms Walleye fair Updated 07/22/05 Temperature: Channel Catfish fair at the upper end of the lake (Length limit is 15 inches and the daily creel limit is 5) Saugeye/Walleye fair using jigs and crankbaits off the rocky shoreline White Bass fair off the main lake points using shadLargemouth Bass fair using stick baits in the coves (There is a 13 to 18 inch slot limit in effect at this lake) White Crappie good using minnows and jigs along the shorelineUpdated 07/22/05 Temperature:Channel Catfish fair using shad sides and wormsLargemouth Bass good using crankbaits in the shallow watersBluegill fair using worm pieces in the rocksRedear/Sunfish fair on the bottom using small baitsBlack Crappie fair in 2 to 5 feet of water using minnows and jigsUpdated 07/22/05 Temp: Alcohol possession is not allowed at this lake Channel Catfish good using stink baits by the feedersCrappie poor using minnows and jigs around the brush piles (fish shallow)Largemouth Bass fair using plastic worms around the brushBluegill No Report Northern Pike slow using live shad or big shiners Sunfish No ReportUpdated 07/22/05 Temperature: Channel Catfish good using sponge bait by the feedersLargemouth Bass good using crankbaits in shallow waterBlack Crappie good using casting jigs on the west side of the boat ramp
Harvey County East Lake
Report by: Hunter's Bait Shop Lake level normal Channel cat: good perch, worms, sonnys and large minnows Crappie : few caught around the rock jetties on minnows and jigs Largemouth bass: good on buzz baits White bass : rattle traps shad color Walleye being picked up drifting the points and flats with jigs tipped with worms All you need is a state fishing permit to fish and boat if fishing , no lake permit required for fishing and fishing from your boat. Updated 07/22/05 Water level : Normal Report by: Hunter's Bait Shop Lake normal Crappie: being caught on small jigs Largemouth bass : few being caught on buzz baits and minnows Catfish :good on worms, and sonnys dip bait Channel cat fair some flat heads on perch and gold fish around dam In the little Arkansas which runs thru park is now at normal level
This page was last updated: 01/14/14